I got to work this morning and entered a complete shit storm. A complete and utter mess.
We have a new call center manager that we groomed and trained, and she officially stepped into the role about a month ago. We gave her some small increases as she took on more responsibility and promised a substantial raise once she became the full blown manager and successfully managed the call center while my partner was out of the office. Last week was his firt week back.
Friday we met with her to give her the raise and bonus structure. It was pretty substantial if you ask me. We asked if she had any questions, and she said no. Over the weekend she sent a quick email clarification and I thought everything was fine.
Well, it wasn't. She came in this morning completely riled up unwilling to settle down and discuss like an adult. Screaming, yelling, claiming we were scamming her. SCAMMING. Telling us we have no idea what it is like to have to work through lunch and stay late and put your family on the back burner.
UMMMMMMMMMM..... Little Miss Cuntface, let me explain something to you. I have put EVERYTHING on the line for this job, and have dedicated every waking second of my life to the success of the company and everyone who works for us. I have been here working until 1 or 2 in the morning, I rarely take a lunch break, and I have sacrificed and had my relationship destroyed as a result of this place.
I have no idea what the hell she was thinking. When you want something don't you normally walk in PLEASANTLY and say "I have reviewed my compensation package and I do not think that the pay is equitable with the work I am doing and I would like to discuss some alternatives..." We would have paid her more. She was worth it. But she blew it HARDCORE.
What did her in was when she said she didn't respect us. Yoink. Conversation over. Ditch the bitch. I don't care what you want, what you can do. The second you tell me you do not respect the opportunity you have been given and the blood sweat and tears we have put into training and grooming you and building the company to where it is, you are DONE.
I swear to god I set off thermal satellite scanning because I was HEATED. AM Heated.
***Update... she has been sending crazy texts to all the employees claiming she is bringing a police escort to pick up her stuff... Oh man, what the hell! This lady is a whack job. Bear in mind she is at least 36, but is acting like she is 12.
Fuck that bitch. Call the police and ask them to be present when she is here, to ensure she doesn't react in a violent, unpredictable manner. You have your other employees to protect after all.
She sounds like a complete whack job. Or maybe a pushover. Sounds like someone was telling her things and she believed them (Maybe her husband).
Whoa Nelly! Seriously.... i know this was a frustrating situation for you to endure but i could not stop laughing at the ridiculousness of the situation. this woman is a nut!! complete nut!! hope everything works out in the end... :)
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