An Outside Perspective To My Inside Life

Friday, October 31, 2008

Thank God for November 4

First off I want to start by thanking John McCain for greatly enrinching my life. Anywhere I can have a background picture, this is it. -------->

I am just so sick of all the petty bickering that is taking place. People taking quotes and completely misconstruing them. I guess this should not be shocking to me.

Also, I fell asleep watching Anderson Cooper last night, and I had dreams about Palin's nasaly obnoxious voice all night long. Even if McCain was my grandfather (which he is not), I would not cast a vote for him for the mere fact that he picked this horrific beast of a woman as his VP. Well, that and the 450 thousand other reasons I don't like him.

Finally, I am done with having phone calls at all hours of the day from recordings telling me how to vote. I get it. I get why I received seven separate "Yes on 102" postcards in my mail last week. Necessary evil. I get it, but I don't have to like it.

Ultimately... I am excited to actually find out who and what props win.

The Perfect Love

There is no more perfect love than that of your dog. It's a level of ‘unconditionalism’ that humans cannot comprehend.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Light-Bulb Moments

I'm not sure what takes place in our brains to create a light-bulb moment, but I sure as hell wish that I knew.

In every relationship I have ever had (friend or romantically), it gets to a certain point where things are going so terribly wrong and you can see a messy path ahead but you are naively optimistic or fearfully resisting the change or pain that comes as a result of splitting.

You continue down this path making little interjections here or there to stave off the inevitable. You throw it out there every now and again to test the waters and to get reassurance that ‘everything is going to work out fine.’

Then one day, as if for no reason whatsoever, you have your light bulb moment and the optimism, fear and pain that had consumed you for the past however long dissipates and you are left with the stark realization that it's done.

You are no longer bound by the apprehensions you once had and somehow you have this new autopilot feature that takes control of the details. You don’t even think; you glide. Somehow you can no longer relate with those feelings you once had.

Maybe I’m nuts and nobody else experiences this. Lucky you.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Protecting Marriage? F Prop 102

The last time I checked, there were a shitload of loveless marriages out there. People beating their wives, sleeping with the neighbor, yadi yadi.. it angers me that people have to waste their time and energy on discriminatory causes, especially when same sex marriage isn't even allowed in Arizona. Let it be, man.

I have absolutely zero idea how two people of the same sex getting married has any effect on the 'sanctity of marriage.' I'm blown away that there are still people out there that hate homosexuals enough to fight to prevent them from getting married.


Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Latest "To-Do"

Find a way to literally 'stop' time.. just like they used to do in Duck Tales.

Monday, October 27, 2008

WTF is a blog?

I'm going to be real honest. I have no real idea what the hell I am supposed to write in a blog. But here I am.

I rediscovered my old LJ account... which I guess is the same as blogging... so I'm going to add old, relevant stuff as I find it.