First off I want to start by thanking John McCain for greatly enrinching my life.
I am just so sick of all the petty bickering that is taking place. People taking quotes and completely misconstruing them. I guess this should not be shocking to me.
Also, I fell asleep watching Anderson Cooper last night, and I had dreams about Palin's nasaly obnoxious voice all night long. Even if McCain was my grandfather (which he is not), I would not cast a vote for him for the mere fact that he picked this horrific beast of a woman as his VP. Well, that and the 450 thousand other reasons I don't like him.
Finally, I am done with having phone calls at all hours of the day from recordings telling me how to vote. I get it. I get why I received seven separate "Yes on 102" postcards in my mail last week. Necessary evil. I get it, but I don't have to like it.
Ultimately... I am excited to actually find out who and what props win.