An Outside Perspective To My Inside Life

Thursday, March 12, 2009


I have not written a blog in a while over here because I started a new blog that I basically write notes to Dallas (my BF) in. I know that is obscenely cheezy, but he likes it and it gives me an outlet to share my feelings about things without making conflict. I recommend you try it if you have stuff to get off your chest. It also acts as a nice timeline... allows you to document events you have together.

Anywho... I have a lot going on right now. We are one week away from moving into the new office. This has been a giant pain and stressor, but I am excited for the end result. I went over there this morning and all they need to do is lay the carpet and some last finishing touches. It's really exciting.

I am in the initial stages of buying a house. Just waiting for my financing to come through so I can make an offer. It's amazing how much there is going on in the real estate market right now, even with the 'recession.' I really hope someone doesnt buy my house before I can put in an offer. The sucky thing is that it is a short sale, so it could be three months before I hear back! Ack!

So, I am all cheezy in love. It feels amazing. People hate me and don't want to hear about it. I forgot what it's like to be bitter. Thank god.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like that idea! Is it alright if I borrow it for when my significant other (whom ever she shall be) come around?